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Food and Nutrition 2, Nov/Dec.2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments

Question 6
  1. What is a food habit?
  2.  List two factors that can affect food habits.
  3.  Explain two food fallacies in your locality.
  4.   State two ways to rectify the food fallacies listed in 6(c) above


This question is another candidates’ strength. The question was on general rules for buying food items and guidelines that food sellers should observe to make food safe for sale. The candidates answered the question very well with straight forward answThe ‘a’ part which requested for the meaning of a food habit was not well defined by many candidates. The ‘b’ part of the question on factors that can affect food habits was answered correctly while majority of the candidates avoided part ‘c’ which was on food fallacies in their locality. The few that attempted the ‘c’ part gave wrong examples of food fallacies.
The ‘d’ part of the question was affected by the wrong answers given to ‘c’ part as the candidates could not give ways to rectify the food fallacies they have listed in ‘c’.

The expected answers to this question are as follows:

  1.       Definition of Food Habit

Food habit is the attitude of an individual toward food or the settled practices of eating particular foods.

  1.       Factors that Affect Food Habits
    1. family up bringing
    2. social interaction
    3. customs and taboos
    4. types of food produced within a locality
    5. health of the individual
    6. weather condition
    7. education
    8. religion
    9. emotional feelings
    10. occupation
    11. economic status

(c)        Food Falacies

    1. Children should not eat eggs, if not they will steal or not talk early.
    2. Pregnant women should not eat snails if they do, their babies would experience excessive salivation.
    3. Pregnant women should not eat banana or plantain if they do, their babies will be flabby and have holes at the middle of their heads.
    4. Children should not eat meat, if they do, they will have worms.
    5. Athletes need more proteins than non-athletes.
  1. Ways of Rectifying Food Falacies
    1. Children need animal protein so mothers should be encouraged to give their children eggs and meat for their proper growth.
    2. Public should be educated properly on nutrition to erase the old ideas of these fallacies.
    3. Pregnant women need protein and calcium in their diet for proper development of the foetus so they need to eat snails.
    4. Pregnant women can eat banana as they contain vitamins and mineral, salts, which help to protect them and their foetus.
    5. Every individual need protein for normal maintenance and proper growth.

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