In this question candidates were expected to describe the person they like most in
the family
The following points were expected from the candidates among others:
Les membres de la famille, leurs ages, sexes etc.
(ii)La personne identifiee :
Nom, adresse, metier, parente, education, traits physique et moraux.
(iii)Pourquoi elle vous plait e.g. statut social, profession, eloquence, gentillesse,
discipline, devotion religieuse, beaute etc.
(iv) Conclusion:
Ce que pensent d'autres personnes, votre avis la-dessus, les lecons tirees de la
vie de la personne, etc.
Most of the candidates answered this question. Some of them gave detailed description
and the scored good mark. Few of the candidates went too far and described all members
of the family.