Geography Paper 2, May/June 2011  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Main
General Comments


(1)     (1)Scanty Explanation of Points

Some candidates merely listed their points without adequate explanations, which made them lose precious mark.Candidates are expected to explain the points they raised in order to score full marks for most of the questions.  Examples should be given if appropriate.

          (2)     Poor Sketch Maps

Most candidates find it difficult to draw good sketch maps of Nigeria, West Africa and Africa.It is recommended that candidates practice the art of map making far ahead of the examination so that they could master the act of drawing sketch maps and locating geographical features on it.  Appropriate legends should be used for clearer understanding of such maps.

          (3)     Inadequate Preparation for the Examination

Many of the candidates did not fully cover the syllabus before the commencement of the examination.  This is evident from their poor responses to questions, especially questions on regional geography of Africa.

Candidates are advised to start preparing for the examination on time so that they could fully cover the syllabus before the commencement of the examination.

          (4)     Failure to Adhere to Rubrics

Some candidates did not adhere to the rubrics of the examination.  Some chose to answer more than the required number of questions while others answered fewer questions than required.It is advisable that candidates pay full attention to rubrics and answer the questions as specified by the rubrics.


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