Question 5
- Draw an outline map of Nigeria.
On the map, location and name:
- The Coastal Plain;
- The Niger Delta;
- Port Harcourt.
- Highlight three benefits derived from the coastlands of Nigeria.
- Identify three problems hindering the development of seaports in Nigeria.
This was an unpopular question among the candidates and most of those who attempted it could not draw good outline maps. Neither could many of them accurately locate the interior coastland of Western Nigeria, Coastal plain & Niger Delta. The mastery of drawing sketch maps and locating geographical features in them could only be mastered through practise. The benefits derived from coastlands of Nigeria are:
- source as minerals;
- lumbering;
- serve as fishing ground;
- source of fuel wood;
- source of building materials;
- food crop production e.g. cassava, yam;
- promotion of tourism/leisure;
- cash crop production e.g. rubber, cocoa, palm nuts;
- source of employment;
- commercial activities;
- for port development;
- coconut plantation;
- educational research;
- land for agriculture;
- raw materials for industries.
The problems hindering the development of seaports in Nigeria were not properly answered by many of the candidates who attempted it. The problems include:
- presence of rocky coastline;
- nature of sea waves/coastal erosion;
- inadequate skilled manpower;
- presence of sand bars, lagoons and sand spits;
- low level of technology
- inadequate capital;
- lack of political will;
- high cost of port development;
- constant silting of ports;
- poor accessibility;
- problem of water weeds;
- limited natural harbours.