Government 2,Nov/Dec 2015

Question 2

(a)        Define Fundamental Human Rights in a state.

(b)        Highlight any four means of safeguarding Fundamental Human Rights in any state.


This was a popular question and was attempted by most of the candidates.   The performance of the candidates who answered it was good as they really understood its demands. However, some candidates did not do well in the (b) part and they scored low marks it. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question:

(a)        Fundamental Human Rights are inalienable freedoms that individuals are entitled in the state.

(b)        (i)         Entrenchments if rights in the state’s constitution.
(ii)        Existence of an impartial, free and independent judiciary.
(iii)       Enactment of laws to protect the rights of individuals.
(iv)       The existence of a free and independent mass media.
(v)        Citizens need to be educated and enlightened to be able defend their rights.
(vi)       Usage of Public Opinion effectively to protect the liberty of the citizens.
(vii)      Establishment of rights of protection independent Institutions such as Ombudsman, Public Complaints Commission and Commission of   Human Rights and Administrative Justice.
(viii)     Respect for the rule of law.
(ix)       Respect for international laws and conventions;
(x)        Adherence to the doctrine of separation of powers and checks and balances.
(xi)       Provision of free legal aid.
(xii)      Establishment of an effective and efficient police system.

    (xiii)     Give adequate publicity to all laws.