History 2, May/June 2013  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   Main
General Comments


Some of the weaknesses exhibited by candidates included:

(i) Poor Expression Some of the candidates found it difficult to express their ideas in clear and concise English language. They used poor tenses and could not articulate their facts effectively. This affected their work and rendered it worthless.

(ii) Skimpy Answers Most candidates could not expatiate on the points listed because of their inadequate and poor explanation of facts. This weakened the points raised as they were not comprehensive enough to attract good marks.

(iii) Lack of accurate historical data Some candidates did not possess adequate historical data. This was caused by their inability to prepare well for the examination. They therefore gave disjointed answers to the questions.

(iv) Illegible handwriting Some of the candidates’ handwritings were illegible and this muddled up their work and became difficult for the examiners to read. With illegible handwriting, good answers could not be awarded good grade.

(v) Spelling errors Spelling error was almost like a habit to some candidates. They hardly wrote a sentence without a spelling mistake. This rendered their work sordid and affected their scores.


(i) Candidates should be properly trained how to answer questions;

(ii) there is a need for improvement in candidates’ language and communication skills, especially through frequent reading and written exercises;

(iii) candidates should be discouraged from memorizing prepared answers from ‘key points’ books;

(iv) they should be encouraged to make use of dictionaries while reading to improve their vocabulary and spelling;

(v) candidates should be encouraged to put more attention and efforts to their studies above all frivolities;

(vi) the use of unqualified History teachers should be discouraged in Secondary Schools.



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