Candidates' Weaknesses
The following weaknesses were shown in the candidates’ work:
- Scanty Answers
Some candidates presented very short essays with insufficient historical material and little analysis of the issues under discussion.
- Use of English
While there was little improvement in the use of English language by some candidates, many of them still found it difficult to have a lucid expression to convey their ideas as expected.
- Rubric infringement
- Candidates are advised to learn how to develop their points and analyze historical events rather than presenting short answers where explanations were needed.
- Effective communication requires good usage of language and without which an idea can never be lucidly conveyed. It is necessary for candidates to learn good usage of English language so as to be able to express their ideas convincingly.
- Candidates are advised to read historical literature so as to widen their scope and knowledge of historical events. This will help them to overcome the problem of giving scanty answers.
- Rubric is a core component of an examination and candidates are advised to observe this set of rules and adhere to the instructions in order not to lose good marks in the cancellation of what they might have labored so much for.