Literature-In-English Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2021

Question 11


How is the theme of resistance presented in Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night?




This was a popular question that requires the candidates to discuss the theme of resistance as presented in the poem. The responses, however, lacked textual references.
This question demands that candidates explain:

  • The themes of fear of death and the fact of death’s inevitability.
  • The admonition: the poem begins with the admonition to the poet’s father not to succumb to death gently.
  • The form of resistance: it should be an outpouring of rage ‘against the dying light’
  • The example of how others have resisted death: the wise men, the good men, the wild men and the grave men.
  • The way forward: the speaker therefore urges his dying father to follow the example of the afore mentioned people and not easily and readily succumb to death

Candidates’ performance in the question was average.