Machine WoodWorking2, WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 3

(a)        State one function of each of the following parts of a jointer:
(i)         front table;
(ii)        back table.
(b)        (i)         Name the two types of cutter used in a mortising machine.
(ii)        Illustrate with sketches, the shape of mortise produced by each                                                        cutter named in 3(b)(i).
(c)        State the five steps involved in cutting rebate using a circular saw bench.


(i) The front table is used to
      (1) regulate the depth of cut.
      (2) support the board being fed into the knives.
      (3) ensure the levelness of the job
   (ii) The back table is used to
          (1)support the stock after it is planed.                            
          (2) ensure levelness of the job   


 (b) (i)  (1) hollow chisel mortiser                                    
       (2)chain mortiser                                                


(ii)        The shape of mortise produced by each is as shown

Hollow chisel mortise

chain mortise

Majority of the candidates did not get the question on the mortising and jointer                              machine.