General Mathematics Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2018

Candidates' Weakness


      The Chief Examiner pointed out that Candidates’ exhibited weakness in the following areas:

  1. Measurements
  2. Translation of word problem to form equations
  3. Sequence and Series
  4. Inequality
  5. Histogram
  6. Circle Geometry
  7. Matrices
  8. Construction



The Chief Examiner suggested that the following remedies should be in place:

  1. Teachers should teach the subject both theoretically and practically with examples.
  2. Teachers are encouraged to cover the curriculum so as the Candidates can benefit from those knowledge.
  3. Adequate preparation by the Candidates before sitting for the examination.
  4. Qualified teachers should be employed to teach the subject as this will enhance Candidates understanding.
  5. Periodic training and retraining of teachers should be put in place by Government and School Management.