Candidates' Weakness
The Chief Examiner pointed out that Candidates’ exhibited weakness in the following areas:
- Mensuration
- Set Theory
- Distances and Bearings
- Inequality
- Graphical solutions to quadratic equations and reading from the graph
- Vector
- Statistics
- Inadequate preparation
- Poor interpretation of questions
- Approximation and Rounding up
- Collusion among Candidates’
The Chief Examiner suggested that to overcome the challenges stated, the following remedies should be considered:
- Teachers are to teach the Candidates’ on the need to understand how to form equations from word problems.
- Adequate preparations by the Candidates.
- School Managements should endeavor to employ qualified teachers to teach the subject.
- Teachers should make the teaching and learning of the subject much more interesting and practicable.
- Teachers are encouraged to give more worked problems during class lessons and assignments.
- Teachers and candidates are encouraged to cover the syllabus while preparing for examination so as to enhance performance.
- Centres where a huge amount of malpractice have been reported, such school should be warned and if it persists, such schools should be blacklisted for at least two years.
- Approximation to given degrees of accuracy should be emphasized.
- Seminars and workshops should be organized for Mathematics Teachers.