Candidates responded fairly. However, a good number of them did not give the required points. These include:
(a) - it is portable and useful for in-house and outside engagement, e.g. street preaching, revival, wedding, reception, banquet, school programmes, picnics;
- it is cheaper than the pipe-organ;
- it can be used as a substitute for a pipe organ;
- it is used mostly for musical bands;
- it is capable of imitating the sound of various instruments.
(b) (i) Touch response – A built-in device which enables the player to control the volume of the sound by the touch of the keys;
(ii) MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface – It is used to translate musical language into computer language;
(iii) chord accompaniment – A device that creates automatic accompaniment on the electronic keyboard.
(c) Yamaha, Casio, Roland, Korg, Kawai, Clavinova, Suzuki, Samsung.