Music 1B , Nov/Dec 2011  
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Question 5


  1. Identify any two similarities between a Recorder and a Saxophone.
    (i) Mention any two works written for the recorder.
  2. (ii) Name the composers of the two works mentioned in (b)(i).

  3. State any two faults associated with the recorder.

The few candidates that were attracted to this question failed to articulate the required points, thereby losing ample marks.

Some of these answers are:

(a)        -     both have same tonguing;
                        -     both are blown gently;
                        -     both require good breath control;
                        -     both have cross fingering;
                        -     both have half covering of some holes;
                        -     both are end-blown;
                        -     both are solo instruments;
                        -     both belong to the same family;
                        -     both do not need electrical power.

(i)   Four Sonatas for the Recorder;
      Six Sonatas for the Recorder;
      Three Sonatas for the Recorder;
      Sonatas for three Recorders;
      Recorder suite in A minor.  

(ii) G.F. Handel;
      Daniel Purcell;
      George Philip.

(i) Cracking;
(ii) blockage of the cavity;
(iii) Melting;
(iv) Non-alignment of the parts, when separated.

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