Painting And Decorating Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 6

(a)      Describe the term vibration.
(b)        List any six tools that could cause vibration.
(c)        State any three safety precautions observed in preventing vibration.


The few candidates that attempted the question did very well. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks:


-           This is the effect of emotional feelings experienced from the environment on the human body.
-           A shaky motion on the human body due to mechanical movement/sound.
-           A sound effect which affects human body due to handling or usage of mechanical/power tools.


-           Grinders.
-           Polishers.
-           Strimmers.
-           Chain saws.
-           Power drills.
-           Road breakers.
-           Pneumatic tools/equipment.
-           Excavating equipment.
-           Screw Jack.


-           Select lower vibration tools and equipment.
-           Supply protective clothing to keep employees warm and dry.
-           Replace old high vibrating tools and equipment with new, low vibrating ones.
-           Implement task rotation and time limits on activities with high exposure levels.
-           Ensure equipment is right for the job, well maintained and in good condition.
-           Provide information and train employees in tool maintenance and usage.
-           Restrict work to short spells.
-           Grip tool as lightly as possible.