Visual Art Paper 1, Nov/Dec. 2010  
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Question 8
  1. Fauvism
  2. Post-Impressionism
  3. Surrealism

Write notes on anyone of the above under:
I. ongm;
Il. exponent(s);
iii. style;
iv. contributions.



Only a few candidates were attracted to this question and they could not put foreward the expected points and this led them to loss of obtainable marks.
Candidates were expected to discuss some of the following points in their responses:

  • the word means "the wild beasts"
  • it is a 20th Century art movement in painting that began in France around


Henri Matisse

Andre Derain

Georges Braque

Maurice de Vlaminck

Raoul Dufy

Albert Marquet

Georges Rouault

Henri Manguin

Emily Carr

Dunchamp Marcel

  • wild brush work
  • strident and pure complementary colours were applied flat without volume.
  • their subject matter had a high degree of simplification and abstraction.
  • decorative pattern work.
  • generally featured landscapes in which forms were distorted.
    they were experimentalist that propagated and consolidated freedom of expression.
    they are vanguards of the break with optical colours e.g, representing trees in yellow, shadow in blue, or leaves in red.
    they established colours as a personally expressive element of painting.
    • Post-Impressionism was a movement in painting which started towards the end of the 19th century (1886) in Paris, France.
    • Georges Seurat
    • Paul Cezanne
    • Vincent Van Gogh
    • Paul Gauguin
    • Duncan Grant
    • Emile Bernard
    • emphasis was placed on artist's personal response to the subject.
    • artists focused on emotional and spiritual meaning of the subject matter.
    • they used strong unnatural colours.
    • they exaggerated or slightly distorted forms.
    • the Post-Impressionists were promoters of a new art which felt that the neglected traditional. styles of picture making should be revisited.
    • they believe that these traditional styles should be incorporated into the Impressionist style e.g. the symbolic character ofthe subject matter.
    • the Post-Impressionists sought to restore formal organization, decorative unity and expressive meaning to art-
    • Post-Impressionism began the strong divergence from representational art that was to occupy a strong place in 20th century abstract art.
    • Surrealism was a zo" century art movement which began in France around 1924.
    • Salvador Dali
    • Max Ernst
    • Georgco de Chirico
      Yves Tanguy
      Hans Arp
      Alberto Giacometti
      Julio Gorgalez
      Man Ray
      Rene Megritte
      they concentrated on the dream world of unreality i.e beneath the realistic surface of life.
      recognizable subject matters are represented in sophisticated manners and in weird association.
      they interposed space, time and places in unfamiliar way.
      • they tried to build' a new art form that fused the conscious and the unconscious level of human awareness.
      • they advocated the idea that ordinary and depictive expressions are important, but that the sense of their arrangement must be open to the full range of imagination.
      • Surrealists developed methods to liberate imagination.
      • they embraced idiosyncracy (unusual approach) to art, while rejecting the idea of an underlying madness.
      • beside the use of dream analysis, they emphasized that one could combine inside the same frame, elements not normally found together to produce illogical and startling effects.
      • the group aimed to revolutionize human experience, in its personal, cultural, social, and political aspects.
      • they attempted to free people from false rationality and restrictive customs and structures.
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