Question 1
Design an open wall cabinet to be used in a school’s sports office. The cabinet has two partitions and two shelves. It is made with 18 mm plywood. The overall dimensions of the units are:
width - 450;
depth - 200;
height - 300.
(All dimensions are in millimeters)
(1) Make two preliminary freehand pictorial sketches each for a different design of
the cabinet.
(2) Select one of the sketches in question 1 and indicate the selected sketch with a
tick (√); to a scale of 1 : 5:
(a) (i) draw the isometric view;
(ii) dimension the view indicating the sizes of the members and
- Name two joints to be used in constructing the cabinet.
Candidates were expected to do the following:
- use a pictorial freehand sketch to describe the design of the wall cabinet
- sketch to meet the specifications given;
- draw in isometric;
- dimension appropriately;
- name the joints used.
The solution is shown below:
Two preliminary freehand sketches
- draw for resemblance;
- draw completely;
- draw to proportion;
- dimension properly;
- show good line quality.
Isometric view
- indicate the sketch selected;
- use the correct isometric axes;
- show front details (2 sides, top, bottom
2 partitions, 2 shelves, method of fixing);
- show side details (including hidden details);
- show top details (including hidden details);
- indicate the joints (at least 3);
- use the appropriate scale;
- show good line quality;
- naming the view.
- show overall dimensions;
- dimension the members;
- dimension the compartment.
Name of joints
- through dovetail;
- lap dovetail;
- secrete dovetail;
- pinning;
- rebated butt;
- nailed butt;
- housing joints (through housing, stopped housing, dovetail
housing joints).