Question 3
(a) State two reasons for applying a finish to a wood surface.
(b) List two methods of applying lacquer to a wood surface.
(c) Explain the following terms as used in design and drawing:
It was reported that most of the candidates who attempted this question did fairly well.
The solution is stated as follows:
(A) - to enhance the beauty of the wood;
- to protect the surface against dirt, insect and fungus attack;
- to protect the surface against moisture penetration;
- to make the surface easier to clean.
(B) - spraying;
- brushing;
- rubbing with pad rubber;
- dipping.
(C) (i) Brief: is a written statement of a design problem which has been identified,
describing in clear terms the nature of the problem, to be solved.
A clear statement of a design problem.
(ii) Detailed Working Drawing:
Is a drawing that shows the details of every single component of the artifact.
It gives the shape and size description of the article.