Yoruba Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Main
General Comments


The candidates’ weaknesses include:

  1. Inability to write extensively on the chosen essay topics as some candidates wrote far below the required 300 words;
  2. Improper use of punctuation marks;
  3. Inability to write good Yoruba with correct spellings;
  4. Appalling handwriting;
  5. Carelessness as regards the use of Modern Yoruba Orthography;
  6. Lack of in-dept knowledge of some recommended textbooks;
  7. Inadequate knowledge of Yoruba Phonology;
  8. Lack of in-dept knowledge and use of tone-marks.


  1. Candidates should prepare and equip themselves well with the knowledge and correct use of punctuation marks;
  2. The use of Yoruba as a means of communication should be encouraged;
  3. Parents should buy recommended textbooks for their children while the candidates should study the set texts thoroughly.

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