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Building Construction Paper 2,May/June 2008  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5   Main
General Comments

Question 2

(a) Define a stair.

(b) Define the following terms as used in stair construction:
  1. pitch;
  2. headroom;
  3. waist;
  4. nosing.

(c) State two uses of walls.

(d) Sketch a pitched roof and label the following parts:

  1. wall plate;
  2. tie beam;
  3. strut;
  4. rafter.

Many candidates were able to:

  1. define some given terms used in stair construction;
  2. produce good sketches of a pitch roof.

However, few candidates were unable to state the uses of walls.

The expected response to question 2 is as given below:

(a)  A stair is a series of steps and landing(s) that provide a means of access from one floor level to another.

(b) Terms used in staircase:
(i) Pitch - This is the angle of inclination of the stair with the  horizontal plane.
(ii) Headroom: This is the vertical distance between line of the nosings of the stair and the underside or soffit of the upper stair or floor.
(iii) Waist:  This is the least thickness of a reinforced concrete-slab in a stair. Imaginary line joining all the risers together at the bottom and the under side o the stair.
(iv) Nosing: This is the front edge of a tread projecting beyond the face of the riser.

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