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Geography Paper 1 , Nov/Dec 2008  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   Main
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Question 8

Describe the characteristics and mode of formation of the following coastal landforms:

(a)   caves;
(b)   beaches.


This question was very unpopular with the candidates.  The expected answers are:

Characteristics of caves
A cave is a hole on an adjoining coast;
- It is an arch-shaped feature;
- It is a feature of marine erosion;
- Usually contains a hole torn through the cave roof;
-- The holes on the cave roof is called gloup or blow hole;
- A steep-side inlet called geo results from collapsed roof .

Formation of caves
Produced by prolonged wave attack on the areas of weak or less resistant rocks at the base of a cliff;
- The prolonged pounding excavates holes called caves;
- Continued wave action widens and expands the cave due to alternate contraction and expansion of air within the cave;
- The cave roof collapses to form a steep-sided inlet called geo.

Characteristics of beaches

- A beach is the area of sloping ground along a coast between the high and low tides;
- A beach is a depositional feature of the wave;
- It consists of accumulations of sand, shingle and mud type of materials deposited;
- There are shingle, pebble and sand beaches;
- Bar Beach (Lagos) is a good example of beach.

Formation of  beaches
It is caused by wave action;
- Weathered sand and gravel are moved by wave;
- They are deposited along the shore;
- The strong swash of the constructive wave usually pushes the coarsest materials off the beach;
- The finer materials usually occur along the seaward edge of the beach.









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