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Igbo Paper 2, May/June 2008  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments

Candidates' weakness

Candidates’ weaknesses were observed in the following areas:

1. Content - Some candidates failed to write up to 300 words or 2 1/2 pages as required.
Few candidates made wrong choices which made them to give few answers and they scored very low.
Teachers should guide the candidates on the techniques of choosing and answering questions.

1. Mechanical Accuracy - Few candidates failed to observe the rules of punctuation marks. They also omitted diacritic marks where necessary. Spelling errors were rampant in the candidates' scripts.
 Teachers should endeavour to test the students on essay writing periodically so as to reduce their risk of scoring very low.

1.Literature Text - The section that dealt with the literature text was poorly handled. The reason for the poor performance could be traced to lack of candidates' interest in reading the recommended texts.

Teachers should encourage the candidates to buy the text books so that they can read them in the class and take home some assignments from the texts.

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