Question 3
(a) Construct the template shown below, full size, showing clearly the:
- points of the tangents;
- centres of the arcs.

(b) construct the involute of a square of side 25.
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(a) Candidates were expected to:
- draw the horizontal centre line and locate centres O1 and O2 100 apart;
- draw the vertical centre lines through O1 and O2;
- draw circles R32 and R44;
- locate and indicate centre of upper arc (R108, R96) and draw the arc R;
- locate and indicate centre of lower arc (R82, R94)and draw the arc R50;
- indicate the points of tangency W, X, Y, Z;
- draw full size;
- draw neatly.
The solution is shown below.

(3) (b) Candidates were expected to:
- draw the square ABCE side 25;
- extend the sides at A, B, C, and D respectively;
- mark off A1 = 25, B2 = 50, C3 = 75 and D4 = 100
respectively on the extended lines;
- join points D, 1, 2, 3 and 4 into a smooth curve;
- draw neatly.
The solution is shown below.
