Question 2

You are provided with a syringe, a petri-dish firmly attached to the base of the movable piston (Plunger) of the syringe, a set of weights and other necessary apparatus.
- Pull the piston of the syringe upward until it can no longer move.
Read and record this position of the piston on the graduated mark on the syringe as V,
- Clamp the syringe and ensure that it is vertical.
- Place a mass M ~ 500g gently at the centre of the petri-dish
- Read and record the new position of the piston as V.
- Evaluate V1
- Repeat the procedure for four other values of M = 1000 g, 1500 g. ?.000g and 2500g.
- Tabulate your readings.
- Plot a graph with V on the vertical axis and M on the horizontal axis, starting both
axes from the origin (0,0).
- Determine the slope,s, of the graph.
- Evaluate K = s 1
- State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results.
(b) (i) When a weight is placed on the petri-dish, which quantities of the gas in the syringe (α) increases,
(β) decreases?
What is responsible for the pressure exerted by a gas in a closed vessel?