Government 2, WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 7

(a) State three institutions in Yoruba Pre-colonial political system of     administration

 (b) Explain four checks and balances that existed in Yoruba pre-colonial political system.


This was a popular question. Many candidates that attempted it performed very well and scored very high marks in the first part while the second part was poorly answered by the candidates. The candidates were expected to explain the following points.

  1. The Royalty (Afin)
  2. The Kingmakers (Oyomesi)
  3. Cult (Ogboni)
  4. The Osi Efa
  5. The Oni Efa


  1. Taboo: curbed some unethical practices among the chiefs
  2. Oath of office: guaranteed loyalty among the chiefs
  3. The traditional three arms of government (Oba/Oyomesi/Ogboni) checked one another.
  4. The oracle(Ifa) made predictions and advise on precautionary measures
  5. An occult calabash(igba-iwa): to check mate abuse of power
  6. Impeachment/dethronement: threats or actual removal from office