Health Education Paper 2 WASSCE SC 2023

Question 6


Explain briefly the following terms:

  1. antenatal;                                                        [2 marks]
  2. artificial insemination.                                    [2 marks]






This question was popular among the candidates and majority of them performed above average.

In part (a), majority of the candidates were able to explain the term antenatal.

In part (b), majority of the candidates were able to explain the term artificial insemination, while few of them could not explain it correctly.


The expected answers are:

  •   (a)        Antenatal
    It is the medical care given to pregnant women; before their babies are born.

    (b)       Artificial Insemination
    It is a fertility treatment method; used to deliver sperm directly to the
    cervix/uterus/fallopian tube; for the purpose of achieving pregnancy without
    sexual intercourse.