Plumbing and Pipe Fitting 2, WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 4


(a)        (i)         state the purpose of ball valve in plumbing.
            (ii)        list four types of ball valve.

(b)       Sketch a multi-point storage water heater and label the following parts:
(i)         cold water storage cistern;
(ii)        boiler.
(c)        Explain a circulator heater



Most of the candidates were able to:

  • state the purpose of ball valve in plumbing;
  • list four types of ball valve.

However some of them were unable to:

  • sketch a multi-point storage water heater and label the following parts:

(i)         cold water storage cistern;
(ii)        boiler.

  • explain a circulator heater

                        The required response to questions 4. (b) and (c) are given below.

   .(b)sketch of a multi-point storage water heater and labelling of:


(c) Explanation of a circulator heater;
                        A circulator heater is connected to the hot water storage cylinder or tank with a flow and return pipe. The heater may provide the sole means of providing hot water or be used as a booster to a solid fuel boiler.