Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 4


(a) Give three reasons for keeping goats. [3 marks]


(i) Define the term oestrus as used in farm animals.

(ii) State three signs of heat in a sow. [5 marks]

(c) Complete the table below



This question was the most popular among the candidates. In 4(a) and (c), most of the candidates were able to give valid reasons for keeping goats and were able to complete the table correctly. However many could not give a satisfactory definition of Oestrus as used in farm animals.

The expected answers include:


(i) Oestrus

It is the period/time when female animals are willing/receptive to mate with the male of the same species

(ii) Signs of heat in a sow

- Restlessness/running about/uneasiness

- Mucous discharge from the vulva

- Attempting to mount other animals in the herd

- Reddened and swollen vulva

- Loss of appetite/anorexia

- Undue noise making or ranting

- standing still to be mounted

- rise in body temperature

- frequent urination

- frequent wagging of tail