Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 6


(a)        (i)         Explain the term brooding as used in animal husbandry.
            (ii)        State four routine activities which are carried out in a brooder house.
                                                                                                                                    [6 marks]
(b) State four effects of parasites in livestock production.                            [4 marks]        
(c) Mention four ways of controlling liver fluke in sheep production.                     [4 marks]
(d)       (i)         Define the term artificial insemination as used in animal production.
            (ii)        State four advantages of artificial insemination in cattle production.          [6 marks]



This question was fairly popular among candidates although many candidates could not state the ways of controlling live fluke in sheep production. Many candidates did not get the full mark in question 6(d)(i) because they did not indicate that the farm animal must be on heat during artificial insemination

The expected answers include:

(a)        (i)         Explanation of brooding as used in animal husbandry
It is the provision of heat, feed, water, medication and protection for chicks/piglets in confinement from day old until they develop enough feathers/hairs





            (ii)        Routine activities that are carried out in a brooder house
-           Provision of balance diet/feed
-           Provision of fresh and clean water
-           Provision of heat to chicks
-           Cleaning and washing of water trough
-           Removal and placement of litter
-           Vaccination/medication
-           Culling of unproductive birds
-           Separation of weak/injured birds from healthy flock
-           Ensure proper lightning especially at night
-           Debeaking of birds at 6-8 weeks
-           Checking of inlet and outlet of pests
-           Adjusting the hoover to make the chicks warm
-           Increasing the chick guard to make provision for growing chicks
-           Ensure adequate ventilation

(b)       Effects of parasites in livestock production
-           Cause diseases to animals/vectors
-           Cause decline/decrease in productivity
-           Reduce value of animal products/unattractive/market value
-           Cause extra cost to farmer/reduce profit margin/reduced income
-           Cause stunted growth of animals/retarded growth
-           Cause anorexia/loss of appetite
-           May cause death of animals/coma
-           Block passage of food in the digestive tract
-           Cause restlessness
-           Loss of blood/causes anaemia
-           Poor utilization of feed
-           Cause injury to animal
-           Farmers can be infested with the parasite

(c)        Ways of controlling liver fluke in sheep production
-           Destroy fresh water snails
-           Avoid grazing animals by riverside/swampy area/waterlogged areas
-           Proper drainage of water bodies
-           Deworm/drench animals with recommended drugs
-           Avoid wet pasture/early morning grazing
-           Practice rotational grazing/pasture management
-           Practice liming of pasture
-           Introduce ducks to swampy pasture/biological control
-           Pasture/rangeland burning


(d)       (i)         Definition of artificial insemination as used in animal production
It is the process by which sperm/semen is introduced in the female reproductive
system of an animal on heat by means other than the use of natural mating.

            (ii)        Advantages of artificial insemination
-           Use of semen of proven bull to cross a wide range of cows
-           Reduces the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases
-           Enables the use of semen of lame but fertile proven male.
-           Semen held in cold storage can be used for many years
-           Semen can be transported worldwide
-           It prevents the use of oversized males
-           Allows farmers to plan / synchronize parturition of cows