Majority of the candidates were unable to:
- mention governmental programmes which assist in agricultural land development in West Africa;
- state the functions of bulldozer, mist blower and tractor;
- state the effects of harrowing, flooding and overgrazing on soils;
- adequately discuss aphids as a crop pest;
- give reasons for carrying out culling and creep feeding in animal production;
- describe the process of castrating a lamb using the burdizzo;
- draw the marketing channel for table eggs;
- give ways of stabilizing the prices of agricultural produce in West Africa;
Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:
- Adequate coverage of the syllabus.
- Candidates should be exposed to appropriate diagrams in agricultural science;
- The acquisition of practical skills in the subject through field visits, excursion;
- Exposure of candidates to technical terms used in agriculture;