Basic Electricity 3, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2019

Weakness & Remedies


Candidates’ exhibited weakness in obtaining accurate readings from measuring instruments which led to series of inaccurate computations, graphs and wrong conclusions deduced. This showed that candidates’ lacked sufficient competence in the use of measuring instruments and were not exposed to adequate practical sessions in preparations for the examination.

Suggested Remedies

These weaknesses can be overcome by:

  1.  exposure of candidates to several practical sessions (hands-on in the use of measuring instruments is necessary);
  2. stakeholders providing functional electrical equipments, tools, instruments and consumables to secondary schools for practical session to ease transfer of formidable psycho-skills before examinations;
  3. teachers should provide tutorship that guides candidates to correctly relate theory to practice;
  4. Instruments provided to candidates should be in proper working conditions.