Candidates answered questions 6(a), (b) and (c) satisfactorily. Majority could not
completely express themselves in other questions
The expected answers are:
(c) Examples of Organisms
(i) Parasitic plants
Viscum/Mistletoe; dodder plant/Cassytha; Cuscuta; Phytophthor;
Peronospora (any correctly named example) Note: Spelling must be correct to score
(ii) Saprophytes
Bacteria; fungi/Rhizopus, Mucor, Aspergillus; Mushroom/
Agaricus (any correctly named example)
Note: Spelling must be correct to score
(d) Adaptive features of plants in salt water swamps
- succulent stem/root/store water; to dilute the salt;
- presence of pneumatophores/breathing roots; for breathing atmospheric
- air/oxygen;
- presence of stilt roots; for anchorage;
- viviparous seedling; to ensure their survival/continuity;
- some secrete excess salt into swamps; to maintain balance of body salt.
(e) Ways modern agricultural activities may threaten the survival of species
- Deforestation/commercial farming destroys habitats of species;
- Destruction/loss of natural vegetation/habitat;
- Over hunting of games reduces population of species;
- Improper/Indiscriminate application of chemical/
salanization/eutrophication/pesticides destroys species;
- Lack of afforestation practices;
- Inappropriate fishing methods threaten the population of fish.
(f) Reasons why mitosis is important to living organisms
- It ensures growth;
- Involved asexual reproduction e.g fission, budding, spore formation;
- Ensures retention of diploid condition;
- Repair of tissues within organisms;
- Transfer of exact genetic code from parents to offspring.
(g) Causes of food Spoilage
- Microbial attacks by bacteria or fungi/or saprophytic action;
- Pest attack by beetles, weevils that destroy stored grains;
- Improper storage which results in deterioration and spoilage of stored foods.
- Destruction of stored fruits and meat by some worms, usually larva of flies;
- Delay in transportation due to bad roads;
- Lack of market facilities for the commodity;
- Poor harvesting method/damage to fruits/vegetables/tubers during harvesting;
- Poor unhygienic handling/processing/exposure to dust;
- Storage in contaminated containers;
- Use of contaminated water to wash food.