Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (PV), 2019



  1. Outline the reasons for which Christians should avoid discrimination as taught by James.

  2. State five reasons for which people discriminate against one another.



This question was less popular among the candidates. In the A part, most candidates answered this question from their own sociological perspective in the form of preaching and giving sermons rather than answering the questions as outlined by Peter. They were unable to identify ways Christians should relate with civil authorities. The strength of candidates’ lies in the B part of the question which is an application question. They readily got the answers using their experiences from the activities happenings in the contemporary society and this helped to boost up the total scores of candidates. In the A part, Candidates were required to state that;

  1. Peter advised Christians to be submissive to every human institution.

  2. These include the Emperor, governors or their representatives because it was God who appointed and gave them power to punish those who did wrong.

  3. Peter emphasised that, it is God’s desire that every Christian would do what is right in the society

  4. These right deeds would put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

  5. Peter further said that, Christians were expected to live as free men without using their freedom as pretext for evil.

  6. They should live as servants of God.

  7. They should honour all men.

  8. They should love the brotherhood.

  9. They should fear God.

  10. They should honour the emperor.

  11. Peter advised Christians to be law abiding citizens.
