Christian Religious Knowledge Paper 2, May/June 2013  
Questions:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   Main
General Comments


1. Long and Unnecessary Preambles Many candidates went into long and unnecessary preambles before making the points required by the question. They wasted so much time in answering the questions and in the long run they could not answer the required four questions.

2. Violation of Rubrics Some candidates answered more or less than four questions as demanded by the paper. They did not choose questions from the appropriate sections.

3. Inadequate Knowledge of the Subject Some candidates answered unfamiliar questions that they did not have enough knowledge or understanding about. They ended up guessing the answer.

4. Poor and Illegible Handwriting Some candidates’ handwriting was so bad that examiners found it difficult to read their work with ease.


(i) Candidates are advised to go straight to the demands of the question rather than engage in unnecessary preambles or introduction.

(ii) They should be painstaking in their writings so as to make their work neat and more legible for the examiner.

(iii) Candidates should read questions very well before they begin to write. The rubrics of the paper should be adhered to strictly.

(iv) Trained teachers should be employed to teach the subject and candidates should be encouraged to study the subject with the aid of the RSV Bible prescribed for the subject.

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