Chemistry Paper 3,Nov/Dec 2013  
Questions:   1 2 3 Main
General Comments
Question 2

D is an inorganic salt. E is a solution of an inorganic salt. The tests recorded in the table below were performed on D and E.

Copy and complete the table.






D + distilled water

Did not dissolve



D + dil. HCI + heat

Dissolved to form blue or greenish-blue solution




Solution of D
+ NaOH(aq) in drops then in excess

Blue gelatinous precipitate




Solution of D
+ NH3(aq) in drops then in excess



Cu2+ present
Cu2+ confirmed


(i)  E(aq) + NaOH(aq) in    drops and in excess

No precipitate


(ii)Mixture in 2(e)(i) warmed


NH3 gas evolved, therefore NH4+ present


E(aq)  +BaCl2(aq)

White chalky precipitate.  No gas evolved, precipitate did not dissolve


In a titration experiment, 22.50 cm3 of an acid solution A containing 10.6 g of NaHSO4 per dm3 reacted with 25.0 cm3 of solution B containing X g of NaOH per dm3. The equation for the reaction is: NaHSO4(aq) + NaOH(aq) Na2SO4(aq) + H2(l)

(a) From the information given above, calculate the:

(i) concentrate of A in moldm– 3;
(ii) concentrate of B in moldm– 3;
(iii) value of X;
(iv) mass of Na2SO4 formed during the reaction. [ H = 1.00; 0 = 16.0; Na = 23.0; S = 32.0]    (16 marks)


(i) Name a suitable indicator for the titration experiment.
(ii) State the apparatus used to measure the volume of solution: I. A; II B;   (3 marks)


The candidate made a fair attempt on this question. Majority of the candidates obeyed the instruction “copy and complete”, thus was commendable. Some candidates still cannot differentiate between gelatinous and chalky precipitate. Results of test in drops and excess still seem confusing to some candidates as some of them gave the result together (i.e. only in excess).

The expected answers include:










D + distilled water


Did not dissolve


D is an insoluble salt


D + dil. HCl + heat

Dissolved to form blue or greenish blue solution


Cu2+  may be present


Solution of D
+ NaOH(aq) in drops
then in excess


Blue gelatinous precipitate.
Precipitate insoluble


Cu2+ present


Solution of D
+ NH3(aq) in drops
then in excess


Blue gelatinous Precipitate
Precipitate dissolves forming deep blue solution


Cu2+ present
Cu2+ present confirmed


E(aq) + NaOH(aq) in drops and in excess

No precipitate

NH4+may be present


Mixture in 2(e)(i) warmed

Colourless gas evolved
Pungent/choking/irritating smell turns red litmus to blue/forms dense white fume with conc. HCl

NH3 gas evolved
NH4+  present


E(aq) + BaCl2(aq)
+ excess HCl(aq)

White chalky precipitate.
No gas evolved
Precipitate did not dissolve

CO32-SO32- SO42-
SO42-   Present
(SO42- must have been mentioned above)

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