Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 9

Reasons why accountability should be a watchword of public servants in Nigeria


Candidates’ performance on this question was above average. In some instances, some candidates did not know that public servants are also civil servants. Candidates were taking public servants to mean political office holders and the politicians at large. In totality, candidates’ performance on this question was impressive. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question;

  1. To discourage people of questionable character from occupying sensitive public office(s)/position(s)
  2. To promote smooth career progression in the public service
  3. To discourage negative attitude towards public service
  4. To provide role models in public service
  5. To promote good governance
  6. To promote efficient use of country’s resources for the common good of citizens
  7. To facilitate rapid economic growth and development
  8. To promote discipline in the public service
  9. To enhance productivity in the public service
  10. To curtail waste of resources in the public service
  11. To check abuse of office in public service