Clothing and Textiles Paper 2, Nov/Dec.2010  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
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Question 2

Differentiate between the following:
(i) darts and tucks;
(ii)binding and facing;
(iii)print patch and calico patch;
(iv) buttonhole stitch and loop stitch;
(v)shirt collar and Peterpan collar




They could not differentiate between the points above very well. They were mixing points up and that made them to loose some marks. The required answers to the questions are as follows:

  (iv)Buttonhole and loop stitch
Buttonhole stitch is a neatening stitch that gives a firm knotted edge. Used for neatening buttonholes.
Loopstitch is a neatening stitch that does not knot at the edge. It is used for neatening raw edges.
(v)Shirt collar and Peter Pan collar
Shirt collar is an example of a turnover collar.
Peter Pan is an example of a flat collar.


Shirt collar stands up at the back of the neck and lies flat towards the front.
Peter Pan collar lies flat all round the neck.

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