Data Processing Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 4


   (a)   Explain the following database management terms:

(i)    entities;
(ii)   attributes;
(iii)  relationships.

(b)   (i)    Define cardinality in database management.
(ii)   Mention three cardinality relationships in database management.



   (a)        (i) Entities
are objects or items concepts within the database model. They are implemented in a database as tables. Each row of the table represents an instance of the entity. 

            (ii) Attributes

are the unique distinguishing characteristic/properties of the entity in a database. They are implemented as fields/columns in a table.

           (iii) Relationship

is an association/links among the instance of one or more entities in a database.

(b)  (i) Cardinality

defines the relationship between the entities/tables in a database.


Cardinality refers to the uniqueness of data values contained in a column. 

(ii) Cardinality relationships in database

                            (A) One-to-one relationship
                            (B) One-to-many relationship/many-to-one relationship
                            (C) Many-to-many relationship

The question tested candidates’ knowledge ofdatabase management system terms.

It was reported that candidates’ responses showed poor knowledge of the terms used indatabase management system.