Question 1
- Define the term voltage regulation.
- List five sources of power supply.
- State three advantages of full-wave bridge rectifier over center-tap rectifier.
- Copy the diagram and indicate the direction of current flow during the
positive half cycle.
- State three advantages of a full-wave bridge rectifier.
The expected answers were:
(a) Voltage regulation:
A measure of the degree to which a power source maintains its output voltage stability under varying load conditions.
A change in supply’s terminal from no-load to full load.
(b) - a.c. generators
- d.c. generators
- Solar cells
- Power packs
- Accumulators
- Hydro
- Nuclear
- Wind
(c) Three Advantages of full-wave over centre-tapped rectifier
- The need for a centre-tapped transformer is eliminated
- Less expensive
- The PIV rating of the diode is one-half times that of the centre-tapped
circuit for the same d.c. supply.
- It is smaller in size.
- Output is doubled.
Rather than defining Voltage regulation, many candidates described.