Weakness and Remedies
Candidates weaknesses were noticed in the following areas:
- inability to use technical terms where appropriate;
- inability to understand the demands of the questions before responding to them;
- inability to differentiate among tools, materials, instruments and equipment;
- inability to state the difference between cannibalism and predation;
- some of the candidates gave answers that were not related to fisheries;
- inability to differentiate between spat feeding and other types of feeding methods;
- inability to present their responses logically;
- inability to identify the instruments used for measuring water quality parameters.
The following remedies were however suggested:
- teachers should use appropriate terms while teaching;
- candidates should be taught how to present their answers logically;
- candidates should read and understand instructions before responding to them;
- candidates should be familiar with past questions;
- teachers should cover the teaching syllabus before presenting their candidates for examination;
- teachers should expose candidates to the practical component of the paper to facilitate pleasant learning and effective teaching;
- each school offering the subject should have a fish pond;