Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B., WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 2

      (a) Give three differences and three similarities in the use of specimens E and F. [ 6 marks ]

    (b) (i) List two components of specimen E. [ 2 marks ] (ii) List four components of specimen F. [ 4 marks ]

    (c) State three ways of maintaining specimen F. [ 3 marks ]


 This question was poorly attempted by the candidates. In 2(a), most of the candidates could not give the differences and similarities in the use of specimens E (Hook and line) and F (Cast net). More so, most of the candidates could not list the components of specimens E (Hook and line) and F (Cast net) as required in 2(b)(i-ii). However, most of the candidates were able to state the ways of maintaining specimen F (Cast net) as required in 2(c).

The expected answers were:

2(a)      Differences in the use of specimen E (Hook and line) and specimen F (Cast

E (Hook and line)

F (Cast net)

Less energy required to operate

More energy required to operate

Catches one/ few fish at a time

Catches many fish at a time

Gear is selective

Gear is not selective

Catches do not include dirt

Catches may include dirt

May require use of bait/attractant

Does not require use of bait/ attractant

Passive gear

Active gear

Catches fish from any part of water (surface, bottom)

Catches fish from water surface

Attached to a stick

Wound round the hand

       Similarities between specimens E (Hook and line) and F ( Cast net)

        -    They are both used for fishing/as fishing gear/for capturing fish.
-    Both could be operated by one person.
-    Twine is a major component of both.
-    Both could have weight.
-    Both can catch fish at water surface            

(b)        (i)         Components of specimen E (Hook and Line)

          -   Hook
-   Line / twine/rope
-   Float
-   Sinker/lead/weight/stone                                         

(ii)        Components of specimen F (Cast net)

          -   Wall of netting.
-   Foot rope / lead line.
-   Sinkers / lead / weight/stone.
-   Holding rope/hand rope.
-   Bag.

          -   Twine/thread.