Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 2


  1. What is the function of specimen B in fish feed?                                                [2 marks]
  2. List three feed ingredients each that could be used in place of:

(i) Specimen B;
(ii) Specimen C.                                                                                                   [6 marks]

(c) State two uses each of specimens D and E.                                                        [4 marks]

(d) State three ways of prolonging the lifespan of specimen E.                         [3 marks



This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was good. However in Question 2(b), many candidates were mentioning the class of food to which specimen B belongs which is carbohydrates instead of giving the functions as required. In Question 2(c) many candidates could not state the uses of specimen D and E specifically in fish production and others could not differentiate between the two specimens.

The expected answers include:

(a)        Function of specimen B (Maize) in fish feed
            -           Energy supply / provide energy
-           Binding agent / feed binder
-           Source of vitamin E

(b)        (i)         Feed ingredients that could be used in place of specimen B (Maize)

                        -           Millet
-           Sorghum/ guinea corn
-           Wheat
-           Barley
-           Soya bean hull
-           Rice
-           Cassava

(ii)        Feed ingredients that could be used in place of Specimen C (soyabeans)

                        -           Cotton seed                            
-           Fish meal                                
-           Poultry by products/offal/internal organs
-           Groundnut cake meal
-           Coconut / copra
-           Maggot meal
-           Sunflower meal
-           Palm kernel cake
-           Shrimp meal
-           Blood meal
-           Insect meal
-           Meat and bone meal   
-           Feather meal                                                   

(c)        Uses of specimen D (Digger)

            -           Removal/ uprooting of plant roots
-           Digging or excavating the soil / breaking up soil
-           Splitting / cutting roots

            Uses of specimen E (Shovel)

            -           For mixing of materials e.g. sand and cement
-           For loading/ packing earth
-           For levelling the soil / shaping
-           For spreading manure over pond
(d)       Ways of prolonging the life span of specimen E (Shovel)

            -           Washand dry / clean after use
-           Oil/ lubricate/ grease the metal parts
-           Replace worn out/ damaged parts
-           Keep wooden handle away from termites/ fire
-           Store in a cool dry place
-           Repair/ weld/ tighten loose parts
-           Keep away from rain/ moisture
-           Sharpen/straighten the blunt or curved edges after use