This question was not popular among the candidates. The majority of those
candidates that answered the question performed poorly. The expected answers
(a) Features of plantation agriculture in East Africa
Large-scale in nature extends over several hectares of land;
large number of paid workers are employed - skilled and un-skilled;
(b) high capital involvement;
use of pesticides and herbicides;
concentration on the production of single crops - monocropping;
mostly owned by foreign companies and lor individuals;
methods of operation are modern and efficient;
export oriented;
processing factories located within plantations.
Advantages of Plantation Agriculture in East Africa
source of innovations to farmers;
ensures the continuous production of crops e.g. tea, coffee;
provision of employment - skilled and unskilled;
foreign exchange earning;
efficiency is promoted by the use of machines;
production of raw material for industries; .
revenue to governments.
(c)Limitations of Plantation Agriculture in East Africa
pests and diseases;
inadequate storage facilities;
inadequate capital;
poor management;
fragmented land tenure system;
fluctuation in world prices;
variations in the weather.