Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 1

  1.    In three ways, explain how each of the following factors has affected world 
  2.    population: 

    1. advanced technology;
    2. improved medical care.


  3. Highlight four factors which account for the high density of population in Java


The question was not popular among the candidates.  Most of the candidates who attempted the question performed well in the (a)  aspect of the question but most of them could not performed well in the (b) aspect of the question.

The factors which account for the high density of population in Java include:
-           favourable relief
-           fertile volcanic/alluvial soils
-           favourable climate
-           limited land area
-           improved medical care
-           irrigation 
-           intensive agriculture
-           introduction of new crops e.g. tea, sugar cane, coffee, etc.
-           political stability
-           cultural factors/attachment to land
-           improved transport network
-           establishment of industries
-           availability of employment opportunities
-           government policies
-           accessibility
-           immigration