Geography Paper 3 May/June 2015

Question 6

  1. (a)  Define climate.
    (b)  Describe the three climatic belts recognized by the Greek system of climatic classification.
    (c)  Outline three reasons why Koppen’s system of climatic classification is the most widely accepted.


This question was popular among the candidates and their performance was good.  Most of the candidates who answered the question were able to properly define climate. Quite a good number of them were also able to outline the reasons for which the Koppen’s system of climatic classification is the most widely accepted. The reasons were:

  • It is very simple to understand.
  • It is objective.
  • It is quantitative because numerical values are used for defining boundaries of climatic groups.
  • It is commonly used in teaching at various levels of educational institutions.
  • It uses more than one parameter for classification.