Geography Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2018

Candidates’ Weaknesses

The weaknesses observed on the candidates’ scripts are explained below.

  1.        Poor performance in the question on statistical mapping.

Many of the candidates who attempted the question on climatic chart could not correctly draw the combined rainfall and temperature graph.

  1.        Violation of rubrics

       Some candidates violated the rubrics on the question paper.  Rubrics are       
meant to be obeyed.       

  1.       Scanty knowledge on some  of the attempted questions

      Some  of the candidates had scanty knowledge on the question they attempted     
thus leading to sketchy answers and consequently loss of marks.



Ways of overcoming the weaknesses noted on the candidates’ scripts are:
(1)      Mastery of statistical mapping
Statistics is a potent too in geography, consequently, practice should be made on all forms of statistical questions that are commonly asked in geography for better understanding.

    (2)       Obedience to rubrics
All rubrics in examinations are to be obeyed if the candidate is to score high       
mark in the examination.

  1. Adequate knowledge of questions before attempting them

It is advisable the candidates study the questions carefully and adequately understand them before attempting them.