Health Education Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2019

Question 7


  1. Mention Five determinants of health in humans. [5 marks]
    1. What is lymph? [3 marks]
    2. State three functions of lymph in the body.[3 marks]
  2. State two differences between venous bleeding and arterial bleeding. [4 marks]
  3. Mention five causes of non-infectious diseases. [5 marks]



The candidates that attempted this question did not do satisfactorily well as they were not concise with their responses.

The expected answers are:

  1. Determinants of Health in humans
    • - heredity
    • - environment
    • - nutrition/balanced diet
    • - culture
    • - age
    • - gender/sex
    • - educational level/knowledge
    • - socio-economic status
    • - sleep/rest/relaxation
    • - exercise
    • - regular medical check-up
    • - personal hygiene/life style
    1. Definition of Lymph It is a clear/colourless fluid that travels/circulates through the lymphatic system, it is similar in composition to tissue fluid, contains extra lymphocytes but devoid of erythrocytes.

    2. Functions of Lymph
      • - It absorbs and carries fats from villi to the blood/body tissues
      • - It filters/localizes/destroys bacteria in the lymph nodes
      • - It is lymphocytic/produces antibodies
      • - It removes interstitial fluid from tissues
      • - It transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones
      • - It transports antigen-presenting cells e.g. dendritic cells to the lymphnodes
  4. Differences between venous and arterial bleedings
    Venous bleeding Arterial bleeding
    - blood comes out in a steady flow blood oozes out in jets/spurts
    - Blood is dark red in colour blood is bright red in colour
    - Pressure is low pressure is high
    - Blood contains more CO2 blood contains less CO2
    - Blood contains less O2 blood contains more O2

    NB: Points must correlate to score

  6. Causes of non-infectious diseases
    • - atomic fallouts/radiation/explosion
    • - chemical fallout/pollution
    • - brain damage
    • - heredity/congenital
    • - dietary imbalance
    • - hormonal/endocrine accident
    • - physiological/failure of tissues of the body
    • - life style/drug addiction
    • - old age