Question 8
- What is epidemiology?[3 marks]
- Mention three factors necessary for communicable diseases to occur. [3 marks]
There was a disease outbreak that had claimed the lives of about 100 people in a community of 5000 people. The victims coughed and had a nasal discharge before their death.
- State three rolesof an epidemiologist in this community. [3 marks]
- Givetwo likely modes of spread of the disease. [2 marks]
- Mention two causative organisms that are likely to be involved in the spread of the disease.
- State four ways by which the spread of the disease can be controlled.[4 marks]
- Calculate the mortality rate in the community. [3 marks]
Most candidates avoided this question. Few who attempted the question did not do well in it.
The expected answers are as follows:
(a)(i) Definition of epidemiology
- It is the study of incidence; distribution; determinants; and possible control of diseases; in a given population at a particular time.
(ii) Factors necessary for communicable diseases to occur
- Causative agent
- Susceptible host
- Transmission route/direct contact/airborne
- Absence of immunization/vaccination programme
- Poor environmental hygiene
- Poor personal hygiene
(b)(i) Roles of epidemiologist in the community
- They study/analyse the incidence of disease outbreak
- They study the distribution of disease outbreak
- They control spread of disease/by isolation/immunization programme
- They investigate cause of disease
- They make arrangement for sanitation/fumigation of community
- Identify and monitor people at risk
(ii) Modes of spread of the disease
- Droplets
- Air-borne
- Indirect/ articles serving as vehicles
- Direct contact
(iii) Causative organisms likely to be involved in the spread of the disease
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Protozoa
- Fungi
- Correctly named
(iv) Ways of controlling the spread of disease
- Immunization/vaccination
- Health education/enlightenment
- Quarantine/isolation/maintain social distance
- Isolation
- Personal hygiene
- Environmental sanitation
- Use of nose mask
- Avoid sharing personal articles with other