Islamic Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 4:

  1. Define Takbirātul ’Iḥrām.
  2. Explain the significance of Takbirātul ’Iḥrām in Ṣalāt.



This particular question featuring this time around is a welcome idea as it within the syllabus. Due to its non popular question, candidates lack the expected salient points required. The teachers and students will henceforth focus attention on it. Generally, candidate’s performance was commendable except for the few who did not give adequate points on its significances.  
            The question demanded the candidates to define Takbirātul ’Iḥrām, explain its significance. Thus:


Takbīratul- ’Iḥrām which is also known as Takbīratul-Iftitāḥ and Takbīrtul-’Ūlā is the first Allāhu Akbar pronounced by a
worshipper/devotee at the commencement of Ṣalāt.



  1. Takbīratul -’Iḥrām marks/signifies the beginning of any Ṣalāt.
  2. It is said with the two hands raised a little above the shoulder facing the Qiblah.
  3. It is an obligatory aspect of Ṣalāt (Q.17:111, Q.74:3).
  4. Ṣalāt becomes invalid without the first Takbīr (Takbīratul-’Iḥrām).
  5. Any Ṣalāt observed without Takbīratul-’Iḥrām must be performed afresh.
  6. Sujūdus-Sahw cannot be used to rectify the omission of Takbīratul-’Iḥrām.
  7. Anybody joining a congregational prayer must first of all bring the first Takbīr (Takbīratul -’Iḥrām).
  8. This must be done while standing erect.
  9. Thereafter, he will join the congregation with another Takbīr.
  10. This obligatory aspect of Ṣalāt cannot be paid by the ’Imām on behalf of the Ma’mūm.
  11. The declaration of Takbīratul-’Iḥrām makes worldly things forbidden in Ṣalāt.
  12. It must be said in an approved form i.e Allāhu Akbar without any addition or change.