Literature-In-English Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 7

    Justify the view that the novel presents a struggle between good and evil.


Very few candidates attempted this question and some of them showed they understand the demands of the question.


Candidates were expected to mention the following points:

• Identification of the main conflict in the novel that Otranto ‘should pass from the present family, whenever the real owner should be grown too large to inhabit it’.
• Manfred’s attempt to prevent the fulfilment of the ancient prophecy.
• The arranged marriage between Conrad and Isabella, ending in Conrad’s death.
• Manfred’s attempt to forcefully marry Isabella and the intervention of divine providence.
• The appearance of Frederic despite the belief that he is dead
• The intended murder of Theodore which becomes the real fate of Matilda.


Candidates’ performance in the question was fair.