This question was attempted by many candidates and they scored high marks in it. However, some of the candidates could not get the percentage number of candidates who scored more than 60 marks. A few others drew histogram that was not required.
Class I interval |
Class mark (x) |
Tally |
Frequency (f) |
Fx |
21-30 |
25.5 |
11 |
2 |
51 |
31-40 |
35.5 |
1111 1111
10 |
355 |
41-50 |
45.5 |
1111 1111 11
12 |
546 |
51-60 |
55.5 |
1111 1111 1111
15 |
832.5 |
61-70 |
65.5 |
1111 111
8 |
524 |
71-80 |
75.5 |
111 |
3 |
226.5 |
50 |
2535 |
Mean =
=50.7. The percentage number of students who scored more than 60 marks = 11/50 x 100 = 22%.